Why Clean the Evaporator Coils?
Evaporator Coil Cleaning Service
When evaporator coils are left to gather dust and dirt, the grime that builds up makes it more difficult for the coils to transfer heat. This means the air conditioner has to work harder, utilizing more energy and placing more stress on important parts of the system.
Increased stress on these parts causes them to wear out sooner, which means they will need to be replaced.
Dirty coils also corrode which can lead to refrigerant leaks.
What’s a Condenser? Why Does it Need to be Checked During Preventative Maintenance Visits?
The condenser is the large metal cube that sits outside of your home. When it comes to air conditioning, the condenser is where most of the work cooling your home takes place. Components of a condenser include the refrigerant, compressor, condenser coil, electromagnet, fan, capacitor, relay switches, and more.
The practice of checking the condenser during maintenance visits allows a technician to catch any problems early on. Issues with condensers can worsen, and lead to more complex issues within the system that cause a total breakdown.
During preventative maintenance visits, your AC maintenance technician will check your condenser for these elements :